actingweb code

Submodules module

class, config=None)[source]

Bases: object

callback_subscription(peerid=None, sub_obj=None, sub=None, diff=None, blob=None)[source]
create(url, creator, passphrase, actor_id=None, delete=False)[source]

“Creates a new actor and persists it.

If delete is True, any existing actors with same creator value will be deleted. If it is False, the one with the correct passphrase will be chosen (if any)

create_reciprocal_trust(url, secret=None, desc='', relationship='', trust_type='')[source]

Creates a new reciprocal trust relationship locally and by requesting a relationship from a peer actor.

create_remote_subscription(peerid=None, target=None, subtarget=None, resource=None, granularity=None)[source]

Creates a new subscription at peerid.

create_subscription(peerid=None, target=None, subtarget=None, resource=None, granularity=None, subid=None, callback=False)[source]
create_verified_trust(baseuri='', peerid=None, approved=False, secret=None, verification_token=None, trust_type=None, peer_approved=None, relationship=None, desc='')[source]

Creates a new trust when requested and call backs to initiating actor to verify relationship.


Deletes an actor and cleans up all relevant stored data

delete_peer_trustee(shorttype=None, peerid=None)[source]

Deletes all properties.


Deletes a property name. (DEPRECATED, use actor’s property store!)

delete_reciprocal_trust(peerid=None, delete_peer=False)[source]

Deletes a trust relationship and requests deletion of peer’s relationship as well.

delete_remote_subscription(peerid=None, subid=None)[source]
delete_subscription(peerid=None, subid=None, callback=False)[source]

Deletes a specified subscription

get(actor_id: str = None) → dict[source]

Retrieves an actor from storage or initialises if it does not exist


Initialise an actor by matching on creator.

If unique_creator config is False, then no actor will be initialised. Likewise, if multiple properties are found with the same value (due to earlier uniqueness off).

get_from_property(name='oauthId', value=None)[source]

Initialise an actor by matching on a stored property.

Use with caution as the property’s value de-facto becomes a security token. If multiple properties are found with the same value, no actor will be initialised. Also note that this is a costly operation as all properties of this type will be retrieved and proceessed.

get_peer_info(url: str) → dict[source]

Contacts an another actor over http/s to retrieve meta information :param url: Root URI of a remote actor :rtype: dict :return: The json response from the /meta path in the data element and last_response_code/last_response_message set to the results of the https request :Example:

>>>{ >>> “last_response_code”: 200, >>> “last_response_message”: “OK”, >>> “data”:{} >>>}

get_peer_trustee(shorttype=None, peerid=None)[source]

Get a peer, either existing or create it as trustee

Will retrieve an existing peer or create a new and establish trust. If no trust exists, a new trust will be established. Use either peerid to target a specific known peer, or shorttype to allow creation of a new peer if none exists


Retrieves properties from db and returns a dict.


Retrieves a property object named name. (DEPRECATED, use actor’s property store!)

get_subscription(peerid=None, subid=None, callback=False)[source]

Retrieves a single subscription identified by peerid and subid.

get_subscription_obj(peerid=None, subid=None, callback=False)[source]

Retrieves a single subscription identified by peerid and subid.

get_subscriptions(peerid=None, target=None, subtarget=None, resource=None, callback=False)[source]

Retrieves subscriptions from db.

get_trust_relationships(relationship='', peerid='', trust_type='')[source]

Retrieves all trust relationships or filtered.

modify_trust_and_notify(relationship=None, peerid=None, baseuri='', secret='', desc='', approved=None, verified=None, verification_token=None, peer_approved=None)[source]

Changes a trust relationship and noties the peer if approval is changed.

register_diffs(target=None, subtarget=None, resource=None, blob=None)[source]

Registers a blob diff against all subscriptions with the correct target, subtarget, and resource.

If resource is set, the blob is expected to be the FULL resource object, not a diff.

set_property(name, value)[source]

Sets an actor’s property name to value. (DEPRECATED, use actor’s property store!)


Bases: object

Handles all actors


Bases: object

Only used to deprecate get_property() in 2.4.4

actingweb.attribute module

class actingweb.attribute.Attributes(actor_id=None, bucket=None, config=None)[source]

Bases: object

Attributes is the main entity keeping an attribute.

It needs to be initalized at object creation time.


Deletes the attribute bucket in the database


Retrieves a single attribute


Retrieves the attribute bucket from the database

set_attr(name=None, data=None, timestamp=None)[source]

Sets new data for this attribute

class actingweb.attribute.Buckets(actor_id=None, config=None)[source]

Bases: object

Handles all attribute buckets of a specific actor_id

Access the attributes in .props as a dictionary

class actingweb.attribute.InternalStore(actor_id=None, config=None, bucket=None)[source]

Bases: object

Access to internal attributes using .prop notation

actingweb.auth module

class actingweb.auth.Auth(actor_id, auth_type='basic', config=None)[source]

Bases: object

The auth class handles authentication and authorisation for the various schemes supported.

The helper function init_actingweb() can be used to give you an auth object and do authentication (or can be called directly). The check_authentication() function checks the various authentication schemes against the path and does proper authentication. There are three types supported: basic (using creator credentials), token (received when trust is created), or oauth (used to bind an actor to an oauth-enabled external service, as well as to log into /www path where interactive web functionality of the actor is available). The check_authorisation() function validates the authenticated user against the access list. check_token_auth() can be called from outside the class to do a simple peer/bearer token verification. The OAuth helper functions are used to: process_oauth_callback() - process an OAuth callback as part of an OAuth flow and exchange code with a valid token validate_oauth_token() - validate and, if necessary, refresh a token set_cookie_on_cookie_redirect() - set a session cookie in the browser to the token value (called AFTER OAuth has been done!)

The response[], acl[], and authn_done variables are useful outside Auth(). authn_done is set when authentication has been done and a final authentication status can be found in response[].

self.response = {

“code”: 403, # Result code (http) “text”: “Forbidden”, # Proposed response text “headers”: [], # Headers to add to response after authentication has been done


self.acl = {

“authenticated”: False, # Has authentication been verified and passed? “authorised”: False, # Has authorisation been done and appropriate acls set? “rights”: ‘’, # “a”, “r” (approve or reject) “relationship”: None, # E.g. creator, friend, admin, etc “peerid”: ‘’, # Peerid if there is a relationship “approved”: False, # True if the peer is approved


check_authentication(appreq, path)[source]

Checks authentication in appreq, redirecting back to path if oauth is done.

check_authorisation(path='', subpath='', method='', peerid='', approved=True)[source]

Checks if the authenticated user has acl access rights in

Takes the path, subpath, method, and peerid of the path (if auth user is different from the peer that owns the path, e.g. creator). If approved is False, then the trust relationship does not need to be approved for access


Called with an http request to check the Authorization header and validate if we have a peer with this token.


Used to call DELETE from the attached oauth service.

Uses oauth.delete_request((), but refreshes token if necessary. The function fails if token is invalid and no refresh is possible. For web-based flows, validate_oauth_token() needs to be used to validate token and get redirect URI for new authorization flow.

oauth_get(url=None, params=None)[source]

Used to call GET from the attached oauth service.

Uses oauth.get_request(), but refreshes token if necessary. The function fails if token is invalid and no refresh is possible. For web-based flows, validate_oauth_token() needs to be used to validate token and get redirect URI for new authorization flow.

oauth_head(url=None, params=None)[source]

Used to call HEAD from the attached oauth service.

Uses oauth.head_request((), but refreshes token if necessary. The function fails if token is invalid and no refresh is possible. For web-based flows, validate_oauth_token() needs to be used to validate token and get redirect URI for new authorization flow.

oauth_post(url=None, params=None, urlencode=False)[source]

Used to call POST from the attached oauth service.

Uses oauth.post_request(), but refreshes token if necessary. The function fails if token is invalid and no refresh is possible. For web-based flows, validate_oauth_token() needs to be used to validate token and get redirect URI for new authorization flow.

oauth_put(url=None, params=None, urlencode=False)[source]

Used to call PUT from the attached oauth service.

Uses oauth.put_request(), but refreshes token if necessary. The function fails if token is invalid and no refresh is possible. For web-based flows, validate_oauth_token() needs to be used to validate token and get redirect URI for new authorization flow.


Called when a callback is received as part of an OAuth flow to exchange code for a bearer token.

Called after successful auth to set the cookie with the token value.


Called to validate the token as part of a web-based flow.

Returns the redirect URI to send back to the browser or empty string. If lazy is true, refresh_token is used only if < 24h until expiry.

actingweb.auth.add_auth_response(appreq=None, auth_obj=None)[source]

Called after init_actingweb() if add_response was set to False, and now responses should be added.

actingweb.auth.init_actingweb(appreq=None, actor_id=None, path='', subpath='', add_response=True, config=None)[source]

Initialises actingweb by loading a config object, an actor object, and authentication object.

More details about the authentication can be found in the auth object. If add_response is True, appreq.response will be changed according to authentication result. If False, appreq will not be touched. authn_done (bool), response[‘code’], response[‘text’], and response[‘headers’] will indicate results of the authentication process and need to be acted upon. 200 is access approved 302 is redirect and auth_obj.redirect contains redirect location where response must be redirected 401 is authentication required, response[‘headers’] must be added to response 403 is forbidden, text in response[‘text’]

actingweb.auth.select_auth_type(path, subpath, config=None)[source]

Selects authentication type based on path and subpath.

Currently are only basic and oauth supported. Peer auth is automatic if an Authorization Bearer <token> header is included in the http request.

actingweb.aw_proxy module

class actingweb.aw_proxy.AwProxy(trust_target=None, peer_target=None, config=None)[source]

Bases: object

Proxy to other trust peers to execute RPC style calls

Initialise with either trust_target to target a specific existing trust or use peer_target for simplicity to use the trust established with the peer.

change_resource(path=None, params=None)[source]
create_resource(path=None, params=None)[source]
get_resource(path=None, params=None)[source]

actingweb.aw_web_request module

class actingweb.aw_web_request.AWRequest(url=None, params=None, body=None, headers=None, cookies=None)[source]

Bases: object

class actingweb.aw_web_request.AWResponse[source]

Bases: object

set_status(code=200, message='Ok')[source]
write(body=None, encode=False)[source]
class actingweb.aw_web_request.AWWebObj(url=None, params=None, body=None, headers=None, cookies=None)[source]

Bases: object

actingweb.config module

class actingweb.config.Config(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

static new_token(length=40)[source]
static new_uuid(seed)[source]

actingweb.oauth module

class actingweb.oauth.OAuth(token=None, config=None)[source]

Bases: object

get_request(url, params=None)[source]
head_request(url, params=None)[source]
oauth_redirect_uri(state='', creator=None)[source]
post_request(url, params=None, urlencode=False, basic_auth=False)[source]
put_request(url, params=None, urlencode=False)[source]

Links parsed from HTTP Link header

actingweb.on_aw module

class actingweb.on_aw.OnAWBase[source]

Bases: object

Base class to be extended to extend ActingWeb functionality

aw_init(auth=None, webobj=None)[source]

Called on POSTs to /bot.

Note, there will not be any actor initialised.


Customizible function to handle DELETE /callbacks

delete_properties(path: list, old: dict, new: dict) → bool[source]

Called on DELETE to properties

  • path (list[str]) – Target path to be deleted
  • old (dict) – Property value that will be deleted (or changed)
  • new (dict) – Property value after path has been deleted

True if DELETE is allowed, False if 403 should be returned

Return type:



Called on DELETE to resources. Return struct for json out.

Returning {} will give a 404 response back to requestor.


Customizible function to handle GET /callbacks

get_properties(path: list, data: dict) → dict[source]

Called on GET to properties for transformations to be done

  • path (list[str]) – Target path requested
  • data (dict) – Data retrieved from data store to be returned

The transformed data to return to requestor or None if 404 should be returned

Return type:

dict or None


Called on GET to resources. Return struct for json out.

Returning {} will give a 404 response back to requestor.


Customizible function to handle POST /callbacks

post_properties(prop: str, data: dict) → dict[source]

Called on POST to properties, once for each property

  • prop (str) – Property to be created
  • data (dict) – The data to be stored in prop

The transformed data to store in prop or None if that property should be skipped and not stored

Return type:

dict or None

post_resources(name, params)[source]

Called on POST to resources. Return struct for json out.

Returning {} will give a 404 response back to requestor. Returning an error code after setting the response will not change the error code.

post_subscriptions(sub, peerid, data)[source]

Customizible function to process incoming callbacks/subscriptions/ callback with json body, return True if processed, False if not.

put_properties(path: list, old: dict, new: dict) → dict[source]

Called on PUT to properties for transformations to be done before save :param path: Target path requested to be updated :type path: list[str] :param old: Old data from database :type old: dict :param new: :type new: New data from PUT request (after merge) :return: The dict that should be stored or None if 400 should be returned and nothing stored :rtype: dict or None

put_resources(name, params)[source]

Called on PUT to resources. Return struct for json out.

Returning {} will give a 404 response back to requestor. Returning an error code after setting the response will not change the error code.


actingweb.peertrustee module

class actingweb.peertrustee.PeerTrustee(actor_id=None, peerid=None, short_type=None, peer_type=None, config=None)[source]

Bases: object

create(baseuri=None, passphrase=None)[source]
get()[source] module

class, config=None)[source]

Bases: object

Handles all properties of a specific actor_id

Access the properties in .props as a dictionary

class, name=None, value=None, config=None)[source]

Bases: object

property is the main entity keeping a property.

It needs to be initalised at object creation time.


Deletes the property in the database


Retrieves the property from the database


Sets a new value for this property

class, config=None)[source]

Bases: object

actingweb.subscription module

class actingweb.subscription.Subscription(actor_id=None, peerid=None, subid=None, callback=False, config=None)[source]

Bases: object

Base class with core subscription methods (storage-related)


Add a new diff for this subscription


Clears one specific diff


Clear all diffs up to and including a seqnr

create(target=None, subtarget=None, resource=None, granularity=None, seqnr=1)[source]

Create new subscription and push it to db


Delete a subscription in storage


Retrieve subscription from db given pre-initialized variables


Get one specific diff


Get all the diffs available for this subscription ordered by the timestamp, oldest first

class actingweb.subscription.Subscriptions(actor_id=None, config=None)[source]

Bases: object

Handles all subscriptions of a specific actor_id

Access the indvidual subscriptions in .dbsubscriptions and the subscription data in .subscriptions as a dictionary

fetch()[source] module

class, peerid=None, token=None, config=None)[source]

Bases: object

create(baseuri='', peer_type='', relationship='', secret='', approved=False, verified=False, verification_token='', desc='', peer_approved=False)[source]

Create a new trust relationship


Delete the trust relationship


Retrieve a trust relationship with either peerid or token

modify(baseuri=None, secret=None, desc=None, approved=None, verified=None, verification_token=None, peer_approved=None)[source]
class, config=None)[source]

Bases: object

Handles all trusts of a specific actor_id

Access the indvidual trusts in .dbtrusts and the trust data in .trusts as a dictionary
