Source code for actingweb.config

from builtins import object
import uuid
import binascii
import logging
import importlib
import os

[docs]class Config(object): def __init__(self, **kwargs): ######### # Basic settings for this app ######### # Values that can be changed as part of instantiating config # The host and domain, i.e. FQDN, of the URL self.fqdn = "" self.proto = "https://" # http or https self.env = '' self.database = 'dynamodb' # Turn on the /www path self.ui = True # Enable /devtest path for test purposes, MUST be False in production self.devtest = True # Enable migrate if you want to turn on code that enables migration from one version to another # 2.4.4 : migrate oauth properties and email to internal attributes ( self.migrate_2_5_0 = True # Will enforce unique creator field across all actors self.unique_creator = False # Use "email" internal value to set creator value (after creation and property set) self.force_email_prop_as_creator = True # basic or oauth: basic for creator + bearer tokens self.www_auth = "basic" self.logLevel = logging.DEBUG # Change to WARN for production, DEBUG for debugging, and INFO for normal testing ######### # Configurable ActingWeb settings for this app ######### # The app type this actor implements self.aw_type = "" # A human-readable description for this specific actor self.desc = "GAE Demo actor: " # URL to a RAML/Swagger etc definition if available self.specification = "" # A version number for this app self.version = "1.0" # Where can more info be found = "" ######### # Trust settings for this app ######### # Default relationship if not specified self.default_relationship = "associate" self.auto_accept_default_relationship = False # True if auto-approval ######### # Known and trusted ActingWeb actors ######### self.actors = { '<SHORTTYPE>': { 'type': 'urn:<ACTINGWEB_TYPE>', 'factory': '<ROOT_URI>', 'relationship': 'friend', # associate, friend, partner, admin }, } ######### # OAuth settings for this app, fill in if OAuth is used ######### self.oauth = { # An empty client_id turns off oauth capabilities 'client_id': "", 'client_secret': "", 'redirect_uri': self.proto + self.fqdn + "/oauth", 'scope': "", 'auth_uri': "", 'token_uri': "", 'response_type': "code", 'grant_type': "authorization_code", 'refresh_type': "refresh_token", } = { 'token': '', 'email': '', } # List of paths and their access levels # Matching is done top to bottom stopping at first match (role, path) # If no match is found on path with the correct role, access is rejected # <type> and <id> are used as templates for trust types and ids self.access = [ # (role, path, method, access), e.g. ('friend', '/properties', '', 'a') # Roles: creator, trustee, associate, friend, partner, admin, any (i.e. authenticated), # owner (i.e. trust peer owning the entity) # + any other new role for this app # Methods: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE # Access: a (allow) or r (reject) # Allow GET to anybody without auth ('', 'meta', 'GET', 'a'), # Allow any method to anybody without auth ('', 'oauth', '', 'a'), # Allow owners on subscriptions ('owner', 'callbacks/subscriptions', 'POST', 'a'), # Allow anybody callbacks witout auth ('', 'callbacks', '', 'a'), # Allow only creator access to /www ('creator', 'www', '', 'a'), # Allow creator access to /properties ('creator', 'properties', '', 'a'), # Allow GET only to associate ('associate', 'properties', 'GET', 'a'), # Allow friend/partner/admin all ('friend', 'properties', '', 'a'), ('partner', 'properties', '', 'a'), ('admin', 'properties', '', 'a'), ('creator', 'resources', '', 'a'), # Allow friend/partner/admin all ('friend', 'resources', '', 'a'), ('partner', 'resources', '', 'a'), ('admin', 'resources', '', 'a'), # Allow unauthenticated POST ('', 'trust/<type>', 'POST', 'a'), # Allow trust peer full access ('owner', 'trust/<type>/<id>', '', 'a'), # Allow access to all to ('creator', 'trust', '', 'a'), # creator/trustee/admin ('trustee', 'trust', '', 'a'), ('admin', 'trust', '', 'a'), # Owner can create++ own subscriptions ('owner', 'subscriptions', '', 'a'), # Owner can create subscriptions ('friend', 'subscriptions/<id>', '', 'a'), # Creator can do everything ('creator', 'subscriptions', '', 'a'), # Trustee can do everything ('trustee', 'subscriptions', '', 'a'), # Root access for actor ('creator', '/', '', 'a'), ('trustee', '/', '', 'a'), ('admin', '/', '', 'a'), ] # Pick up the config variables for k, v in kwargs.items(): self.__setattr__(k, v) if self.database == 'gae': self.env = 'appengine' elif self.database == 'dynamodb': self.env = 'aws' if self.logLevel == "DEBUG": self.logLevel = logging.DEBUG elif self.logLevel == "WARN": self.logLevel = logging.WARN elif self.logLevel == "INFO": self.logLevel = logging.INFO else: self.logLevel = logging.DEBUG if 'myself' not in self.actors: # Add myself as a known type self.actors['myself'] = { 'type': self.aw_type, 'factory': self.proto + self.fqdn + '/', 'relationship': 'friend', # associate, friend, partner, admin } # Dynamically load all the database modules self.DbActor = importlib.import_module( "actingweb" + ".db_" + self.database + ".db_actor") self.DbPeerTrustee = importlib.import_module( "actingweb" + ".db_" + self.database + ".db_peertrustee") self.DbProperty = importlib.import_module( "actingweb" + ".db_" + self.database + ".db_property") self.DbAttribute = importlib.import_module( "actingweb" + ".db_" + self.database + ".db_attribute") self.DbSubscription = importlib.import_module( "actingweb" + ".db_" + self.database + ".db_subscription") self.DbSubscriptionDiff = importlib.import_module("actingweb" + ".db_" + self.database + ".db_subscription_diff") self.DbTrust = importlib.import_module( "actingweb" + ".db_" + self.database + ".db_trust") self.module = {} if self.env == 'appengine': self.module["deferred"] = importlib.import_module( ".deferred", "google.appengine.api") self.module["urlfetch"] = importlib.import_module( ".urlfetch", "google.appengine.ext") else: self.module["deferred"] = None self.module["urlfetch"] = importlib.import_module("urlfetch") ######### # ActingWeb settings for this app ######### # This app follows the actingweb specification specified self.aw_version = "1.0" self.aw_supported = "www,oauth,callbacks,trust,onewaytrust,subscriptions," \ "actions,resources,methods,sessions,nestedproperties" # This app supports these options # These are the supported formats self.aw_formats = "json" ######### # Only touch the below if you know what you are doing ######### if self.env == 'appengine': logging.getLogger().handlers[0].setLevel( self.logLevel) # Hack to get access to GAE logger else: logging.basicConfig(level=self.logLevel) # Turn off debugging for pynamodb and botocore, too noisy if self.logLevel == logging.DEBUG: log = logging.getLogger("pynamodb") log.setLevel(logging.INFO) log.propagate = True log = logging.getLogger("botocore") log.setLevel(logging.INFO) log.propagate = True # root URI used to identity actor externally self.root = self.proto + self.fqdn + "/" # Authentication realm used in Basic auth self.auth_realm = self.fqdn
[docs] @staticmethod def new_uuid(seed): return uuid.uuid5(uuid.NAMESPACE_URL, str(seed)).hex
[docs] @staticmethod def new_token(length=40): tok = binascii.hexlify(os.urandom(int(length // 2))) return tok.decode('utf-8')